Raise your hand if...

You're tired of wondering when the next potential client will reach out

You hate feeling "sales-y" or wasting time and energy chasing after referral sources

You want to drive more traffic to your site and rank higher on Google without spending money on ads

You've tried blogging before, but didn't see any tangible results

If you're ready to attract more perfect-fit clients, then you're in the right place!

Therapist Blogging Course

Introducing Content That Connects

Content That Connects Blogging Course For Therapists

The step-by-step formula to create a magnetic

content marketing strategy.

Content That Connects teaches you essential tools, expert skills, and gives you the confidence to build a client-attracting blogging system. Start creating valuable, helpful content that effortlessly sells your services for you.

High-quality content marketing is the best long-term, low-cost strategy
to implement in your business.

Why blog? Because blog posts generate traffic years after they're written. The average lifespan of a podcast episode is 174 days. A blog? 2 years. This means your work today will attract clients years from now.

Blogs can also be repurposed into videos, podcast episodes, social media posts, and more!

By the end of this course, you will:

✅ Narrow your ideal audience to learn all about what they need and stop wasting time creating content they don't care about

✅ Plan your content strategy in less time, with less effort than ever before to save you hours each month

✅ Write irresistible content your ideal client actually wants to read, that primes them to buy from you

✅ Effectively promote your content without feeling sales-y, and strategically repeat yourself for maximum engagement
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Narrow Down Your Niche
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Create Your Content Strategy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Craft Your Engaging Content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Promoting & Driving Traffic to Your Content
Available in days
days after you enroll
  What's Next?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS Section!
Available in days
days after you enroll
Narrow Down Your Niche Content Strategy

Module 1: Narrow Down Your Niche

Getting specific on your audience is the difference between a blog that’s a waste of time (because no one reads it) and targeted content marketing that fills your practice or program.

How to pick the right niche for your blog and identify who you're specifically talking to

How to do the right kind of ideal audience research to improve your content strategy and zero in on their needs

✔ How to find the best blog ideas to align with your niche and immediately create value

Module 2: Plan & Outline Your Content

The secret sauce that transforms your blog from a few sporadic posts to an endless content-generating, valuable, client-attracting machine.

Learn the step-by-step blueprint to planning effective & profitable content, and why most therapists get stuck

Define your main content pillars, the foundation of your strategy

How to plan & batch your content to streamline your process, saving you hours each month

✔ Essential SEO keyword research and how to structure your content for maximum engagement

Plan Your Content Strategy
Write Content Ideal Clients

Module 3: Write Your Irresistible Content

A completely repeatable system to produce engaging, SEO-friendly posts that take way less effort than before.

✔ Beat writer's block with simple strategies to get in a flow state

✔ Learn how to write a clickable headline and an engaging introduction that hooks your reader

✔ Expert copywriting strategies to keep your audience engaged and wanting more

✔ How to double your content output in only half the effort

Module 4: Promote & Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Content

Learn how to effectively promote your content to drive more traffic to your site and get you more clients.

✔ Simple SEO basics to optimize every post for search engines, helping more ideal clients find you

✔ How to optimize your Google My Business listing and create clickable posts

✔ How to repurpose each piece of content 20 different ways and creative ways to repurpose on social media

✔ My secret formula for getting featured in major publications (you’ll get the exact template I use so you can start getting featured)!

✔ How to use your site’s traffic analytics to build an endless & effortless content strategy

Promote Blog Repurpose Content

For a limited time, get these amazing bonuses:


The step-by-step blueprint to create SEO-friendly, high-converting blog posts that drive traffic and sell your services for you.


An entire year of blog prompts you can apply to your specific niche so you can stop worrying and start writing.


The must-have system for organizing and planning your content ideas in one place.


Repurpose your content in 20 different ways & track your progress with this handy spreadsheet.


A done-for-you swipe file to get featured in major publications. This is the exact template that got me featured in Better Homes & Gardens, NBC News, and more!

Every helping professional should create content. Seriously.

Content marketing is the best, free strategy to build a profitable practice or launch a successful digital product.

We know that so many potential clients aren’t searching for services: they’re searching for solutions to their problems.

This means they’re searching for content long before they search for a therapist, coach, or program.

A high-quality blog offers them value before ever asking for value in return. This establishes trust, expertise, and primes them to buy from you. You can build a practice or sell a digital product without paying for ads, expensive SEO specialists, or chasing after referrals. And any blog post can be repurposed into a podcast episode or YouTube video!

Ashleigh Edelstein, LMFT

Hi! I'm Ashleigh Edelstein, LMFT

Content That Connects was created when I saw the real power of blogging. My own therapy practice exploded! I went from struggling to get intakes to full with a waiting list. My blogs consistently rank on Google for competitive keywords, so I never have to worry about when the next call comes in.

There's nothing better than a client telling me my post helped them in a way nothing else has.

Now I'm committed to helping others achieve the same results, with less effort and less overwhelm.

You don't have to be a brilliant writer to create content your ideal clients want to read. You just need a repeatable system to create focused and strategic posts that speak directly to their needs.


1. Will this work for me even if I'm not a blogger?

Yes! This system isn't limited to just writing blog posts. If you'd prefer to record a podcast or create videos, you're going to use the same strategy. The only difference is that your "blog" will be your episodes with show notes, a transcript, or summary (and by the way, blog posts make excellent scripts)!

2. Isn't blogging totally outdated?

Aimless, unfocused personal blogs are definitely outdated. Strategic, focused content that drives potential clients to your services will never go out of style. It's an excellent long-term SEO strategy.

3. What if I'm not a great writer?

That's the beauty of blogging! It's all about writing easily digestible, helpful content that solves a problem your ideal client struggles with. My system will help you write high-value content that sells your services for you.

4. I'm interested, but what if I can't commit right now?

I've got you! You'll get lifetime access to the course, so you can learn at your own pace.